Chilean current events

Hi everyone! Today's blog I'm going to unburden about Chilean current events haha. Well, i think that we all know whats happen in Chile recently ✨the elections✨

Maybe it's because I'm exaggerating, but I have to say that I'm a little afraid. Deep in my heart I know that probably Kast won't win the elections, but I'm a little concerned because of how many people voted for him. I mean, do we really want to have a sexist, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, fascist (among other things) as a president?

I really understand that we all have political differences, but I really really really think that someone like him would bring us more bad things than good things. I also consider that voting for someone like him would be a challenge of everything obtained after the social outbreak, I mean, we want to change the constitution established during the dictatorship, but we will vote for someone who continues to be a “pinochetista” and has much of the principles of something we want to change. 

On the other hand, I am afraid that he has most of the votes he obtained were in regions, because I think it is unfair if someone wins only for the majority of a single region, because it shows how centralized the country is, where many times the capital decides for the rest of the country or is given preference over the rest of the regions, that is why many people say "Santiago is not Chile", so I am confused by a little the situation. but finally I can only say that I am surprised by the results of the last elections and I am expectant about what could happen.



  1. I think what is happening in the country is a complicated issue, but the results will be seen in December and we can only hope that everyone will vote.

  2. I find you absolutely right, because since Sunday I am questioning the same thing, and not that it fits in my head that in the midst of all the changes that have occurred since 2019, this will happen in the most important elections, and in the same way I am afraid that on December 19 the results will be like those of Sunday :(.

  3. I undertand you, when saw the result of pas election and kast was the first I fell afraid too, I don´t wan a live in a country with a president like this kind of person, so retrograde and facist. I hope a better future for chile


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